Tourist Development Plan

Tourism development

The guideline for tourism development in the state is a tool of great importance in making decisions, and a qualitative roadmap for drawing broad outlines and setting the necessary strategy for tourism development during the next 20 years.

This stage is considered a command center and a roadmap that enables an annual release of the progress of the works of implementing and activating the guideline for tourism development supported by a timetable and timing for its implementation, and this is by combining all the factors leading to a homogeneous tourism development and this requires setting up a leadership and implementation body that includes all representatives and public and private agents.

The activation of the tourism strategy within the framework of reviving tourism activity in the state of Ain Temouchent in the horizons of 2030 is based on the establishment of projects for tourism investment with priority in the short, medium and long term, which requires the completion of more than 45,000 beds and the creation of more than 34,000 direct jobs. Tourist real estate at the level of tourist expansion areas,

This also calls for creating more real estate and obligating the classification of new expansion areas. It should also be noted that the tourism sector is obligated to allocate more than 18 billion DA for the nine tourism investment projects.

Projects in progress
  • Number of registered projects = 76 projects
  • The number of concerned municipalities = 11 municipalities
  • Capacity = 14707 beds